It's too bad that Gillette today doesn't make a "tribute" run of these using their best modern blade technology. They shave better overall & are far more nimble in the hand when coupled with the right blade and handled correctly. In conclusion, I have to be honest and admit that in the end the Schick injector type razor is a better "moustrap" than the DE. I think that if a person follows that formula they will be happy. They tame the aggression that the modern Personna blade has in that particular injector. Damn close to be honest, but I would rate the I 2 with the modern Personna a tad better overall, BUT, and it's a big but, it was a very close run race and I can only add that the "Chick" blades just really hammer the "sweet spot" on the G 1. I alternated strokes and areas with the two and in the end it was close. In the latter was a once used Personna "mini hair shaper" blade. OK, a buddy traded me a mag of Chinese "Chick" blades recently for another "go round" and I loaded one up in the G 1, but as well I also used the I 2 for a SxS comparison.

Time to get serious.įWIW, of all the Internet threads I have perused about injector blades this one is easily one of the most informative. I have a mag of both Schick Super Chromium & Plus Platinum. I am going to load both these up with some NOS Schick blades to see which is best for which. If anything I have proven that I need to be more diligent in marking down what blade is in which razor. If I recall a modern "Chick" blade worked well in it in the past. It was then that I recalled that the G 1 requires a smoother (less sharp) blade. In the G 1 this new Personna blade is certainly sharp and I got one little nick on my chin as it is scarred from where it was busted open eons ago. and them load them one at a time into an old Schick "magazine". I bought the 20 blade Mini Hair Shaper blades pkg. A note about the Personna blades is in order. Load with care I am too cheap to splurge on Chicks, but I also use Schick Bs from the 20 pack (aka B-20s) and vintage Gillette Platinum-Plus. The only knock on them is the low quality dispenser. For me, Personnas work fine in my many models of Schick razors. I loaded a new Personna into my Type G 1 and left the Type I 2 blade alone. Taconic injector blades are definitely just Personnas. Trouble is, I could not remember what blades I had loaded in them. I dug my two injectors back out of "hibernation" yesterday and used them today.